TODO: wiki/Building


  1. Install Python:

    • Install Python 3.11.
    • After installation ensure the PYTHON3 environment variable is set properly, e.g., to 'C:\Python11\python.exe' by doing:
      setx PYTHON3 "C:\Python11\python.exe" /m
      The /m will set it system-wide for all future command windows.
  2. Install the following tools:

    Make sure all of these tools are on your PATH.

  3. Install GStreamer:

    Install the MSVC (not MingGW) binaries from the GStreamer site. The currently recommended version is 1.16.0. i.e:

    Note that you should ensure that all components are installed from gstreamer, as we require many of the optional libraries that are not installed by default.


Please see [[Building for Android]].

Windows Tips

Troubleshooting the Windows Build

If you have troubles with x63 type prompt as mach.bat set by default: 0. You may need to choose and launch the type manually, such as x86_x64 Cross Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019 in the Windows menu.)

  1. cd to/the/path/servo
  2. python mach build -d