Identifying and fixing bugs observed in real websites

There are two main classes of web compatibility issues that can be observed in Servo. Visual bugs are often caused by missing features or bugs in Servo's CSS and layout support, while interactivity problems and broken content is often caused by bugs or missing features in Servo's DOM and JavaScript implementation.

Diagnosing JS errors

Error message like the following clearly show that a certain DOM interface has not been implemented in Servo yet:

[2024-08-16T01:56:15Z ERROR script::dom::bindings::error] Error at AbortSignal is not defined

However, error messages like the following do not provide much guidance:

[2024-08-16T01:58:25Z ERROR script::dom::bindings::error] Error at e is undefined

Opening the JS file linked from the error message often shows a minified, obfuscated JS script that is almost impossible to read. Let's start by unminifying it. Ensure that the js-beautify binary is in your path, or install it with:

npm install -g js-beautify

Now, run the problem page in Servo again with the built-in unminifying enabled:

./mach run --unminify-js

This creates an unminified-js directory in the root Servo repository and automatically persists unminified copies of each external JS script that is fetched over the page's lifetime. Servo also evaluates the unminified versions of the scripts, so the line and column numbers in the error messages also change:

[2024-08-16T02:05:34Z ERROR script::dom::bindings::error] Error at e is undefined

You'll find react-lib-7b7b5264f6c1.js inside of ./unminified-js/, and if you look at line 3377 you will be able to start reading the surrounding code to (hopefully) determine what's going wrong in the page. If code inspection is not enough, however, Servo also supports modifying the locally-cached unminified JS!

./mach run --local-script-source unminified-js

When the --local-script-source argument is used, Servo will look for JS files in the provided directory first before attempting to fetch them from the internet. This allows Servo developers to add console.log(..) statements and other useful debugging techniques to assist in understanding what real webpages are observing. If you need to revert to a pristine version of the page source, just run with the --unminify-js argument again to replace them with new unminified source files.