Directory structure

  • components
    • bluetooth — Implementation of the bluetooth thread.
    • bluetooth_traits — APIs to the bluetooth crate for crates that don't want to depend on the bluetooth crate for build speed reasons.
    • canvas — Implementation of painting threads for 2D and WebGL canvases.
    • canvas_traits — APIs to the canvas crate for crates that don't want to depend on the canvas crate for build speed reasons.
    • compositing — Integration with OS windowing/rendering and event loop.
    • constellation — Management of resources for a top-level browsing context (ie. tab).
    • devtools — In-process server to allow manipulating browser instances via a remote Firefox developer tools client.
    • devtools_traits — APIs to the devtools crate for crates that don't want to depend on the devtools crate for build speed reasons.
    • fonts — Code for dealing with fonts and text shaping.
    • fonts_traits — APIs to the fonts crate for crates that don't want to depend on the fonts crate for build speed reasons.
    • layout — Converts page content into positioned, styled boxes and passes the result to the renderer.
    • layout_thread — Runs the threads for layout, communicates with the script thread, and calls into the layout crate to do the layout.
    • msg — Shared APIs for communicating between specific threads and crates.
    • net — Network protocol implementations, and state and resource management (caching, cookies, etc.).
    • net_traits — APIs to the net crate for crates that don't want to depend on the net crate for build speed reasons.
    • plugins — Syntax extensions, custom attributes, and lints.
    • profile — Memory and time profilers.
    • profile_traits — APIs to the profile crate for crates that don't want to depend on the profile crate for build speed reasons.
    • script — Implementation of the DOM (native Rust code and bindings to SpiderMonkey).
    • script_layout_interface — The API the script crate provides for the layout crate.
    • script_traits — APIs to the script crate for crates that don't want to depend on the script crate for build speed reasons.
    • selectors — CSS selector matching.
    • servo — Entry points for the servo application and libservo embedding library.
    • style — APIs for parsing CSS and interacting with stylesheets and styled elements.
    • style_traits — APIs to the style crate for crates that don't want to depend on the style crate for build speed reasons.
    • util — Assorted utility methods and types that are commonly used throughout the project.
    • webdriver_server — In-process server to allow manipulating browser instances via a WebDriver client.
    • webgpu — Implementation of threads for the WebGPU API.
  • etc — Useful tools and scripts for developers.
  • mach — A command-line tool to help with developer tasks.
  • ports
    • winit — Embedding implementation for the winit windowing library.
  • python
    • servo — Implementations of servo-specific mach commands.
    • tidy — Python package of code lints that are automatically run before merging changes.
  • resources — Files used at run time. Need to be included somehow when distributing binary builds.
  • support
    • android — Libraries that require special handling for building for Android platforms
    • rust-task_info — Library for obtaining information about memory usage for a process
  • target
    • debug — Build artifacts generated by ./mach build --debug.
    • doc — Documentation is generated here by the rustdoc tool when running ./mach doc
    • release — Build artifacts generated by ./mach build --release.
  • tests
    • dromaeo — Harness for automatically running the Dromaeo testsuite.
    • html — Manual tests and experiments.
    • jquery — Harness for automatically running the jQuery testsuite.
    • power — Tools for measurement of power consumption.
    • unit — Unit tests using rustc’s built-in test harness.
    • wpt — W3C web-platform-tests and csswg-tests along with tools to run them and expected failures.

TODO: Update foo_traits and ports/winit.

Major dependencies